architecture-interior design ENG / RU

 Tubular radiator according to our project Isotherm stand at the Aquatherm 2024 exhibition  X-System luminaire project  Private house project for a young family Lamp Telescope  We have become the winners Best of Houzz 2018 - Design!  Project of bed Shashel  Lamp  X-sistem  Chair  JUST  We have become the winners Best of Houzz 2017 - Design! Happy New The competition "ILIKE COVER – handmade carpets 2"  Already 97 publications Homify Online Worldwide  The competition "ILIKE COVER – handmade carpets"  Lamp 360°  Article on the portal 4living  We have become the winners of Best of Houzz 2016 - Design! Happy  Five of our projects are selected for publication in the catalog Top Design Selection  Project of lamp 360 ° entered the short list Article about our project "Terrace-runway"  Numerous publications in Homify  Published in catalog Design FOR 2015  Article in CH №5 “Design speaks Russian”  Lamp UFO has won Design and Design International Award Happy Publication in the journal ZHUANGSHI 20.10.2014  Interview for the portal DIZBOOK  Lamp Nest has won Design and Design International Award Article about "Dachnyy avangard "  Fazenda with our participation  Moonless  Fazenda with our participation RUB DESIGN BOOK Happy Our objects can be purchased or ordered    Trifoliate armchair has won Design and Design International Award  Zigzag armchair has won Design and Design International Award    Light Telescope has won Design and Design International Award  Mantis chair has won the Design and Design International Award  The project office furniture Clouds Happy Handle design Press or Turn ”Colorful time” concept for Central magazine Detsky Mir in Moscow  On the 3 MOSCOW BIENNALE ARCHITECTURE (АRCH MOSCOW 2012)  Lecture Raimo Rasanen 28.02.2012 at 13.50 Highway Volokolamskoe 9 Happy New Our project of office furniture “12-th element”  The collection of furniture Horizon line was  submit  The furniture the Arachis was exhibited at exhibition АrchМoscow -Next 2011  Horizon line from the new catalogue of office furniture ISKU on Аrch Moscow 2010

Already 97 publications Homify Online Worldwide

article in Spanish Homify entirely devoted to our project "Terrace-runway"

Link to article in Spanish Homify entirely devoted to our project